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Cannabis Education at SIU
Intensive Controlled-Environmental Plant and Production Certificate
- Phoenix Cannabis Production Scholarship
- Recipient must be in the Intensive Controlled-Environment Plant Production Certificate program.
- Preference will be given to an applicant who is African-American, Hispanic or other underrepresented population.
- Applicants must submit an essay discussing the impact of the cannabis industry and the scholarship on their future.
- PLB 217 Course Description
- PARL 395, Special Topics in Paralegal Studies--Cannabis Law
- Paul Simon Review: The Effects of Legalization of Recreational Cannabis in Illinois
- Plant Biology Courses
- Southern Illinois University
- SIU-School of Medicine
- SIU College of Agriculture, Life, and Physical Sciences
Pharmacology of Cannabinoids Journal Club
Academic Research Centers
National Corn to Ethanol Research CenterSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
- John Caupert, Executive Director,
- Yanhong Zhang,
Colorado State University-Pueblo Berkeley Cannabis Research Center
- Researches cannabis policy and how cannabis affects social and natural communities. We aim to inform cannabis policy and discourse.
University of California, San Diego
- Established in 2000, the CMCR has been at the forefront of advancing science and policy relating to the potential clinical benefits, and limitations of cannabinoids as medicine.
University of California, Irvine
A multi-disciplinary research center at UCI, whose mission is to address the medical, legal and cultural challenges posed by cannabis
Cannabis & Hemp Research Center
University of California, Davis
- The Cannabis and Hemp Research Center serves as the university's hub, bringing together scientists, engineers, scholars and clinicians involved in research
Thomas Jefferson University
The Lambert Center is intended to serve as the nationwide comprehensive resource for education, research, and clinical practice in the therapeutic use of cannabinoids and industrial hemp.
- Mike Robinson, founder:
- A trusted source in cannabinoid medicine information and educational content—plant medicine, changing the face of healthcare
The pharmacology of cannabinoids journal club is modeled after PHSL480 Cancer Journal Club-- each of the group presents a current, state-of-the-art primary journal article, for discussion with the group. The presentations and discussion are conducted virtually which enables participation from anywhere. For more information, and to join, please contact Karen Hales.